Shoot 2
The idea behind this shoot was to simply show good representation of how slow shutter speed works and to capture the abnormal feel, so that the images have an eerie, supernatural feel. I think in general this was a successful shoot in demonstratnig well done slow shutter/long expsoure photography in portraits.

This shoot was based on Bill Waxman’s slow shutter project, and Maykel Lima’s work in terms of his use of lighting, and theme of disturbing outcomes. In this shoot, I asked model Mollie to stand in front of a white background at first with a light shining onto the right side of her, the light wasn't directed onto her face and therefore created a silhouette sort of image. These images were successful but still not the images I was looking for. I changed the models background to a black background. From here, I experimented more with the lighting to capture my desired look. I used studio lighting however I found this lighting was a sort of warm orange lighting. I then experimented using a torch, which had more of a white/blue tone to it, making it feel more ghostly and eerie. The model I chose was also a good contribution to the eerie, abnormal feel. Her hair and skin colour being so light gives and eerie feel on the black background. I think the white light directly on the models face gives a good contrast between her bright hair and face and the black background.